Thursday, 15 February 2018

I do YouTube Videos about Writing!!

Hello everyone!

I am so sorry that I've been a bit MIA on this blog in recent months. Since September things have been really busy in terms of submitting my first manuscript (!!) and then trying to get going on book 2 manuscript as well as editing book 1. In September I also started a freelance contract managing digital marketing for an online retail company and that takes up almost 2 full days a week . . . So, it's been busy, to say the least.

Some of you might know that since Tom and I moved to France we have been filming regular vlog style video diaries and publishing them on our YouTube channel. Around March time last year I published a 'Day in the life of a writer' video on the channel and around July/August I noticed that the views were spiking on it (it currently has over 5K views!).

Because this video seemed so popular I decided to do another one (part two) and then I began to get suggestions on further videos, and so as of January, I have decided that writing videos are going to take up about half of all videos I upload to my channel. Currently, there are 6 videos published on the channel, which are all saved to a playlist and include 'A Week in the Life of a Writer', 'How I stay Motivated in my Writing', '6 Tips for Getting Started as a Writer' etc.

On top of that, I am going to start a historical series, publishing short, ten-minute videos about a specific historical topic. These will be mostly related to my subject (country houses, women's history etc.) and I will be publishing one of these every month.

So, I just wanted to apologise for not being around much over the last 5-6months but I am back and I will be posting regularly again, but in the meantime, if you want to check out my writing videos on YouTube, then here is the link: Charlotte & Tom YouTube Channel.

See you again soon!